Sustainable Development Goals

As leaders, mobilizers, and agents of social change, LCF believes our community is only as strong as our most vulnerable person. That’s why we have been integrating the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - a universal framework and call-to-action to end poverty, tackle inequalities, and create a more sustainable and thriving community - into our work. The SDGs are strongly aligned with our Vital Signs issue areas and are rooted in the important philosophy of “leave no one behind.”

This integration is an opportunity to connect our local work to global health and well-being, because global change starts locally. Today, the definition of community goes beyond traditional geographic boundaries and connecting our work to the bigger picture has never been more important.

Through global collaboration and local action, the United Nations aims to achieve all 17 goals by 2030. By creating a shared language and standardized method of measuring impact, we can effectively work toward achieving these goals to create a better and more sustainable future for all.

Throughout this report you will notice the SDG indicators being used to map our impact on various issue areas. We hope this helps you familiarize yourself with the SDGs and how LCF is working toward the United Nations’ 2030 agenda. We encourage you to learn more about how we’re implementing the SDGs in our Vital Signs report by visiting