Community Vitality 2022 - London Cares Homeless Response Services
Community Vitality 2022
London Cares Homeless Response Services
Permanent Supportive Housing Program for Housing Deprived People
Grant: $350,000 for 3 years
Season Bieronski, Carlos Buschinelli and Anne Armstrong at London Cares
The Permanent Supportive Housing Program for Housing Deprived people aims to provide permanent housing to the people who are the most marginalized in our community and with the greatest need for support. To do this, London Cares is going to stop these people falling through the cracks in the current system by effecting system change and creating a new housing solution.
Founded in response to the chronic and persistent homelessness in the city, London Cares has a vision of a community where no-one is left behind, founded on compassion and inclusivity.
London Cares Homeless Response Services received a $350,000 Community Vitality grant over three years to help fund staff costs for the permanent supportive housing program for housing deprived people.
To be successful in permanent housing, approximately 10% of London’s homeless population will require 24/7 support. Supportive housing with customized wrap-around supports exist in Ottowa and St. Thomas, with London Cares’ building set to become the third in Ontario, and more importantly, the first in London.
“This grant will allow us to provide overnight staffing for supportive housing to allow people who are living on the streets, with the most complex needs, have access to appropriate housing with 24/7 support,” says Anne Armstrong, Executive Director at London Cares. “This will be a gamechanger for folks most marginalized in our community.”
We know that having long-term housing security is of vital importance to all other aspects of life, including health and a sense of belonging to a community.
“Providing home with appropriate supports will allow people to move off the streets providing dignity, a safe place to heal and build relationship and community. With this proactive supportive housing response that will improve social determinants of health, there will be less pressure on high cost reactive and punitive responses,” says Anne.
Find out more about the Community Vitality Grant program at LCF and London Cares.
Read about the other grantees: