June and Ronald Dawson Family Fund
June and Ronald Dawson Family Fund
by Ron Dawson
Ron Dawson and his late wife, June
I was born in London and began my support of London Community Foundation when J. Allyn Taylor started his rejuvenation of the somewhat-dormant organization, assisting in my own small way. I’ve known all the CEOs since then and many of the staff, so when it came to setting up a fund, June and I agreed that you do so because you trust the people involved to carry out your wishes and help with making decisions. TRUST is the word we associate with LCF.
Since starting our fund in 2000, we’ve been part of LCF’s Community Fund, which invests in the projects that are tackling London’s most important issues. Our three kids are involved, too – and I like knowing that this work that we started so many years ago will live on forever.