This project is intended to provide a stable, affordable property that can house up to eight people in Transitional Housing in Tillsonburg. This is a community that is under-serviced as the only Emergency Housing Shelter is available for their residents located in Woodstock, away from family/friends and other natural supports.
The Transitional Housing model will allow for individuals to live in the communal living facility for up to 364 days. Individuals will be selected by the Oxford County Community Health Centre's (OCCHC) Housing Outreach Team based on their readiness and appropriateness to move into the House. Once in the House, the OCCHC Housing Stability Team will provide support, guidance, training, mentoring, and system navigation to help build the tenant's ability to move forward with independent living. They meet people where they are at and work with other community partners as well to ensure that the tenants have access to all the health and social well-being wrap-around supports required to prepare them to move forward.
The rent is capped at $600/month to follow the government housing allowance. There are rules and expectations of tenants, and there is staff on site 5 days/week and an emergency call number if needed. Staff provide wrap-around supports that could cover everything from mental health and addiction supports, to cooking classes, to budgeting efforts, etc.