A Message to Fundholders

With January almost wrapping up, I hope it’s not too late to wish you all a happy New Year and welcome our brand-new fundholders!

We haven’t let the overcast weather dampen our spirits at LCF. We are incredibly thrilled about the work that the City of London is doing around the Health & Homelessness Summit and we’re looking forward to seeing the recommendations which will be presented late February. 

As you have heard, the Foundation is the home of the newly established Health & Homelessness Fund for Change with an anonymous family donating $25 million and an additional $5 million for a matching gift campaign. We are honored to play a role in this historic moment addressing a major crisis in our community.   

LCF attended the final Summit meeting on January 25th at the London Hellenic Centre. We have never seen collaboration to this degree before. Frontline homelessness service providers, mental health and addictions agencies, healthcare workers, funding organizations, economic development, home builders and developers, and local business owners were all working together, sharing resources and expert knowledge to tackle this crisis our city is facing. We are more than confident, if not 100 percent certain, that London Ontario will soon be a model for addressing homelessness. 

That said, there is a great deal of work that still needs to be done! We’ll be sure to keep you informed as we learn more.

In the meantime, to learn more about the Fund visit, www.fundforchange.ca 

Your LCF Fund Statement and Impact Report

We are working hard behind the scenes on your Fund Statements and LCF's Impact Report, which you can expect to receive by early May. We are excited to share that in order to reduce our environmental footprint, our impact report will be a reimagined digital report. For those of you who still prefer a hard copy, please email or call us and we’ll be happy to send you a modified print version of the report. 

We know many of you are eager to start your donor-directed granting – please reach out anytime! We’re here to support you with your giving. 

We are sincerely grateful for your generosity and continued partnership.   

Here’s to a new year full of hope, peace, and happiness to all.


Diane Silva
Director of Philanthropy
T: 519.667.1600 ext 207

Emily Van Zeggelaar
Philanthropy Officer
T: 519.667.1600 ext. 119